Monday, 14 September 2015

Ruptured Review: Blood Reaper

Country of origin- USA 
Year of release- 2004  
Director- Lory-Michael Ringuette 
Stars- Brinke Stevens, Lory-Michael Ringuette, Bobby Macky

The film begins with an eight minute pre-credit sequence of a couple on some kind of fishing trip in a pretty remote area of woodland. The couple are individually stalked and killed by a gas masked maniac with a hunting knife. It was actually directly after this short scene that I realised that this was going to be a rather trying viewing experience, mainly because in just the space of eight minutes the film had established to me that it no discernible filmmaking talent and certainly no originality. But I digress.

After we see the couple slaughtered, the film skips to four years in the future, and we see a group of 30 year olds trying to be teenagers whilst planning a fishing and boozing trip to an area of isolated natural beauty. It just so happens that the area they are heading to has an urban legend of a bloodthirsty manic surrounding it (what a complete surprise, and total coincidence). Despite a number of warnings the group continue on and eventually reach their remote woodland cabins, but not until a slideshow of family photos of the cast members is shown for literally no reason. It goes without saying that this group of annoying idiots begins to be killed off one by one. It is a surprise however at just how little the rest of group care about the others, the general attitude towards missing people in this film is that not a solitary shit shall be given about their safety. Unfortunately, when the few remaining morons realise towards the end of the film that their being hunted, we are treated to some of the worst grief and worry related acting I have ever seen. I have seen inbred sparrows grieve more convincingly than the dumbass’s in this film. Thankfully it isn’t long before the burnt out corpse of this film is dragged still twitching into a predicable ending and eventually into a closing credit sequence, thus ending my torment.

If you look up the word generic in the Oxford English dictionary you will see the following definition “a characteristic of or relating to a class or group of things” you will also see a poster for this film. To say that this is the most generic slasher film I have ever seen is an understatement, and in some ways an insult to generic slashers. This film has nothing exciting or original to offer, literally noting. It’s so bad the film makers couldn’t even write stereotypes, instead we get treated to what I think is the actual “personalities” of the “actors” which is a pretty scaring experience to be perfectly honest. I honestly cannot recommend this to even the most hardened slasher fan, because with an almost complete lack of gore, an interesting killer or even slightly imaginative or fun kills even the most basic criteria for a slasher film are not fulfilled. I give Blood Reaper 1.1/10 yes, it really is that poor.         


  1. And the worst part is it has literally nothing to do with the film.

  2. 1.1/10? I've seen this movie many times and it's not THAAT bad, a little cheesy, but not terrible. If this were my site, I'd say maybe 6 or 7 out of 10. Better than Camp Blood and Grim Weekend. That's just me though.
