Sunday 29 March 2015

3 Excellent Resources for Collectors

A lot of you are probably wondering as to where I manage to get hold of copies of some of the more obscure films I review on this site. I’m sure some of you assume that I just download stuff online, but I have in fact never reviewed anything on this blog that I don’t own a physical copy of. This is pretty reflective of my general outlook when it comes to movie watching, I will usually only watch a film if I have a physical copy of it. I’m well aware that due to a number of reasons this isn’t really an option for many film enthusiasts. So I wanted to share with you three excellent sites that have been very useful to me when trying to find physical copies of rare, obscure and extreme films. Now before you start shouting things like ‘sell out’ and ‘fraud’ I would just like to inform you that I am not being rewarded by any of the sites featured in this article in any way, shape or form. I instead wrote this to help out fellow collectors in the UK and the rest of Europe track down the films they want to watch and own.

The first site is this has been a great resource to me over the years, and a nearly unbeatable source for a wide mix of rare titles from a huge array of genres such as Pinky Violence and Filipino action. It also stands as one of the very few sites I could find a copy of Ogroff the Mad Mutilator on. The only downside with this site is that all of there releases are printed on DVD-R’s. However they make up for this downside by adding often amazing cover art and lurid photos.

The second site is Strange this is a small Scottish based company that specialises in rare imports, special editions such as hardboxes and an array of insane and bizarre standard editions. All of there products are legitimate editions and are often nearly impossible to find elsewhere in the UK. They also sell a fantastic mix of soundtracks on all formats including vinyl. I have actually met the couple who run the company and they are as enthusiastic about the films as the customers, not to mention they are friendly and easy to deal with.

The last site I want to talk about is one most of you will probably have already heard of, and that is Like ZDD all of there stock is printed on demand on DVD-R’s, but sadly often unless you will to pay a little extra Twistedanger wont give you snazzy artwork. To be honest they are the company that out of these three I use the least. But I know that if I go to Twistedanger looking for something incredibly fucked up and bizarre I will likely find it, and about 100 things more disturbed than it.
Well there you go, I hope that I have helped out at least a few fellow collectors like myself to find some films that have either alluded their grasp for some time now, or just to discover new and interesting films for their collections. 


  1. Thanks so much for that post Tim, very helpful indeed! :)

  2. "I instead wrote this to help out fellow collectors in the UK and the rest of Europe track down the films they want to watch and own." o_O I live in America so cram it up your butt o_o

  3. Thanks, I actually got a bunch of page views from it!
