Year of release- 1987
Director- Michel Ricaud
Stars- Daniel Dubois
The film begins with a tell-tale sign of quality that
haunts many a no-budget 80’s film, and that is the grainy blur of a VHS camera
and the oh so irritating static hiss of the tape, of which I’m sadly too
familiar with. The first scene begins with a man sitting in a basement, at a
table littered with some kind of voodoo paraphernal including a doll and a
photograph of a young woman. We than see this young woman in ladies restroom of
some kind of dingy bar. It is at this moment that the man in the basement
begins to strip the clothes off the voodoo doll of the young woman and we are
then treated to a very long shot of her being stripped nude by some kind of
unseen force. This scene is executed with all the skill of a dead skunk, as the
“unseen force” is clearly someone just out of frame pulling half-heartedly at
her clothes. Once she is nude the man in the basement then does something I am
still trying to fathom. He sticks a large pin between the dolls legs, and seems
to induce the now nude woman’s period! Which, to my great surprise she seems to
enjoy immensely. After this, the man in the basement begins to slowly kill her,
first by stabbing the dolls eyes and then eventually slitting its throat, which
in turn kills the young woman in the toilets.
The film then moves on to its next story which is even
more bizarre and features a large pale faced man flogging a very excited woman
in some kind of crypt. This story does have a very Devils Experiment/Flowers of Flesh and Blood feel to it, which gave
it a very nasty grimy feel which was added to by the low quality picture, sound
and dubbing. The final story is the most boring and the tamest, it simply
features a woman who is stripped nude and bitten by a vampire, and then feels
the need to gyrate and grind her way around his tomb for about 10 minutes
before hopping in the coffin with him for what I presume will be some fanged
This film could best be categorised as an anthology
horror/softcore S&M porno film, with a touch of the surreal and a load of
shoddy gore. Although really describing it as a film to begin with isn’t really
that accurate, it generally fells more like a grotty modern art installation.
To be honest it’s hard to really discuss this film as there is literally no
dialogue, just the most poorly dubbed moans and screams you can imagine. There
is also no plot, not even a hint. And don’t even get me started on the z grade
acting and cinematography. Frankly if you want to see huge amounts of strange
fetishized gore and full frontal nudity by the bucket load then this will be
right up your rather twisted street. However if you’re looking for a good film,
look elsewhere. This gets a ?/10 from me, because this isn’t a film, it’s just
weird old French porn of the kind you find on 8mm rolls of film in safety
deposit boxes.
A question mark is always a good sign when it comes to a film's rating!