Saturday, 16 May 2015

Ruptured Review: Zombie Genocide: Legion of the Dead

Country of origin- USA
Year of release- 2006
Director- Gary Ugarek
Stars- Dave Cooperman, Gary Ugarek, Michelle Wright

As I’m sure most of you will have gathered by now, I like to give a brief outline of some of the plot of a film before giving my thoughts on it. This is a standard formula that is used a great deal. However, in the case of Zombie Genocide: Legion of the Dead (aka Deadlands: The Rising) I feel a break from the norm may be in order. Firstly because this 62 minute long film has almost no plot of any interest or value, and secondly because if I spend too long discussing the details of this film I may suffer a stroke. So to briefly give you some idea of what this bucket of mess is about here is the “official” synopsis. “A biochemical weapon explosion causes a freak chain of events and brings the dead back to life. It is up to five people to make a stand for survival against an ever growing army of the Living Dead”. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t sound like about a thousand other zombie films? In fact it’s the plot to the film Code Red which I enjoyed, and the reason I enjoyed it more than this film is simply because Code Red had people involved in it that actually gave a shit. Which is more than can be said for this film, which provides about as much energy and excitement as a box of dead moths.

Now don’t get me wrong I like to see people with a very limited budget making horror films, because some real gems have been created that way (Night of the Living Dead for instance). This however is no gem, it is just another example of why you should never give a camera to a pretentious fanboy who has managed to convince the population of his home town to have terrible zombie effects painted on them. Frankly trying to find a redeeming feature in this film is like looking for a well-made Fred Olen Ray film, it isn’t easy. The acting is terrible, the effects are dull, the cinematography is poor and the plot is as lifeless as Kevin Costner film. Overall this is one to avoid at all costs, don’t be a sucker like me and be drawn in by the cool title, it isn’t worth the soul crushing monotony that awaits. This gets 2/10 from me, a knee to the balls is frankly preferable.               


  1. oh dear doesn't sound appealing at all!

  2. Sadly I didn't see the artwork for it till after I watched the film because it was part of a Mill Creek 12 pack, if I had I would have been able to predict how terrible it would be. Crappy, boring and predictable certainly sounds like the average Sci-Fy channel production.
    Thanks for stopping by, glad to hear you liked the review.
