Country of origin- U.S.A
Year of release- 2010
Director- Joseph Guzman
Stars- Asun Ortega, David Castro, Perry D'Marco
I am well aware that a lot of people actively dislike the many ‘grindhouse revival’ films that sprung up after the release of Planet Terror and Death Proof and in some cases I can see why. Some of them felt forced and contrived, and often irritating. But my favourite by far is the excellent Machete, and the amount of times I was reminded of that film while watching Nude Nuns with Big Guns stunned me, in a good way.
The film begins with a bus full of nuns (none of which are nude or armed) being driven to an unknown location the middle of a barren desert. The group appears to be led by a priest called Farther Bernando, who we find through a series of flashbacks, is using the nuns to run a cocaine smuggling operation. When the bus eventually stops it is met by a couple of bikers, one of which is the leader of the gang and is called Chavo. Chavo is definitely the most entertaining character in the film, he is never short of a darkly funny one-liner, and has genuine charisma. Farther Bernando sells the cases of coke to Chavo, but unfortunately as Chavo inspects them he finds that one bag of coke is missing. Suspicion instantly falls on the nuns on the bus, and Chavo decides that shooting them one-by-one is the best policy to finding his missing drugs, and why not?
Eventually the drugs are
discovered on Sister Sarah, who, as an apology is given to Chavo by Farther
Bernando. Sister Sarah is then taken to Chavo’s brothel, where he decides to
whore her out. Things take a nasty turn when one customer to the brothel beats
the living shit out of the drugged up Sister Sarah. Chavo is not best pleased
about this and decides to return the favour to the customer with a baseball bat
to the face. During this confusion one of Chavo’s men rescues Sister Sarah, and
takes her to safety. While there she talks of hearing the voice of God, and how
he told her to kill all those who did wrong to her. Let’s face it turning the
other cheek makes a shit movie, so why not go Old Testament on their scumbag
asses. And that is exactly what Sister Sarah begins to do, in a hail of boobs,
blood and bullets!